Why There’s Always Another Way to Use ETFs

It’s not just long-term investors that find ETFs useful...

Juan Bolmey

The Most Dangerous Mistake a Trader Can Make

This can create a vicious emotional cycle that’ll quickly burn a hole in your trading account...

Juan Bolmey

Two Simple Ways to Keep Your Emotions in Check While Trading

It’s almost impossible to take emotions out of trading completely...

Juan Bolmey

Why You Don’t Have to Have a “View”

By focusing on the next big move, viewers often miss out on a lot of market action...

Juan Bolmey

How the News Can Hurt Your Trades

Traders who buy into stock based just on the news could end up with a losing trade...

Juan Bolmey

Let the Percentages Take Care of Themselves

Good timing isn't the the only reason a company succeeds...

Juan Bolmey

Do This Before You Start Trading

Remember that it's impossible to know everything about every market...

Juan Bolmey

Why the Fed Had to Fold

The markets can finally move on now that the Fed’s final meeting of the year is behind us...

Juan Bolmey

Why Tesla Could Lose One-Third of Its Value by Year’s End

Tesla represents far more than just its eco-friendly credentials...

Juan Bolmey

How the Right Strategy (With the Wrong Chart) Still Put Dollars in Our Pocket – Part 2

When you have an open option position, you must watch it closely…

Juan Bolmey